Sarnath Stupa, Sarnath

Sarnath Stupa, Sarnath, India - Nidhi Patel

Dhamek Stupa is a cylindrical structure built in red bricks in Sarnath 8 km away from Kashi. Significance of Sarnath is marked by the first place visited by Lord Buddha after attaining enlightenment where he preached first sermon to his five disciples. King Ashoka further developed the site of Sarnath for Buddhist teachings and constructed Dhamek Stupa. About metres high stupa and 30 metres in diameter surrounded by monolithic railings preserves relics of  Buddha. The ruins of the whole Stupa complex is preserved intact by Archaeological Survey of India. 

First teaching of Buddha was Dharmachakra pravart sutra which was given at Sarnath. It was during Ashoka period when Buddhist religion spread around the world. The excavations have made a discovery proving that this complex was university with Chaityas and Viharas, meditating halls where knowledge was preached. In next centuries scholars inspired by Buddhist religion came to India to study Buddhism. From here, they carried knowledge, preached back in their home town to educate their natives just like  scholars came to India for professional education in Takshila and Nalanda Universities
